Friday, March 15, 2013

One Billion Rising

 A month ago, on V-Day I participated in the global movement to raise awareness for violence against women organized by Eve Ensler known as "One Billion Rising."  I took the day off work and committed myself to several activities, starting at 8am.  The first was a yoga class titled titled "Making friends with your edge" where all proceeds from the donation based class were to be donated to local women's shelters.  It was an inspiring class, full of bits of wisdom that I really needed to hear that day.  We stretched and meditated on the ways that we identify with our "edge" or as I like to call it, the end of our comfort zones.  At one point the instructor said, "Perhaps you're having a hard time thinking about what your edges are..."  I almost laughed out loud.  Nope!  All clear on the edges here!  I've always prided myself on living at least near the end of mine, but this was a humbling meditation for me.  I realized that I have a lot more to do and that my determination to do it is only half the battle.

As my day continued, I had lunch with an inspiring lady who has been trying to help me in my search for a new career.  I felt energized and ready for action after such a productive morning!  I then came home and attempted to take a nap... hahahahahaha.  Moving right along... I left my house to stop by and visit my sister-in-law and niece.  I knew I didn't have much time with them, but as my brother is in the Navy and overseas, I knew that part of my day had to include spending time with the women who love and cherish him as much as I do.  We had about the most brilliant mid day semi-planned photo session a budding photographer could ask for.  (That will be my next blog!) I left them with a warm heart and continued on to my official V-Day party at Meredith College.

I was a little late getting there, and felt a bit discouraged that I had not had time to learn the flash dance that they were to perform together, so I decided to participate by documenting the event with photographs.  At the end of the official dance and presentation, I lingered around and wished that I could be more involved in Interact of Wake County, who had organized this inspiring final event in my V-Day celebration.   I had a couple of business cards in my pocket and decided to push myself to that edge I'd meditated on so gracefully much, much earlier in the day!  So, I approached the volunteer coordinator, introduced myself, and gave her my business card.  She emailed me immediately.  I responded with a couple of images that I'd edited.  She forwarded this email to the Communications Director, and a few days later I received an email from the Communication Director, asking me if I had any more photographs and telling me, "You rock!"  It totally made my week!  I immediately edited as many 5 star photos that I could and sent them to her, and explained that I'd really love to volunteer as a photographer for any event that they might have.

And that's how it happened.  I pushed myself to the edge, and this coming Friday, I'll be taking pictures as a volunteer photographer at their largest fundraiser of the year "Hoopla!"  I have been wanting to volunteer for quite some time, but have been having a rough time finding time for anything other than life's essential tasks for way too many years.  So, I decided to change that on V-Day.  I am proud of myself for stretching beyond my edge and taking this day to donate what I could to such an incredible cause.  I encourage you to familiarize yourself with Interact and participate in their event on Friday, March 22nd.  I'll be there with my camera around my neck, extremely giddy from the opportunity!

Here are just a few of the images that I took that day at Meredith College.  I hope you enjoy them.  V-Day was very powerful for me on many levels.  Women coming together to advocate and support each other is one incredible thing.  We have so much to fight for.  It's truly an amazing feeling to be a part of something so genuinely restorative.


This adorable girl scout was incredibly passionate about her ability to RISE!

Men, women, and children, all rising together.

Nothing is more inspiring than seeing future generations rising!

If you'd like to see the dance everyone is learning, this is a fun link to the incredible song that was created for the day: "Break The Chain"

In case you aren't aware of who this lovely lady is, she's our new Raleigh Police Chief!  It was wonderful to see her come out to support V-Day!   

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